

Consuelo Jiménez Underwood is most well known for her textiles and installation work. Her work represents her own history as a migrant agricultural worker, signifying her hybrid culture as well as the arbitrary lines that divide her homes. Artistic expression is deeply tied to traditional Huichol weaving, a heritage she incorporates into her large mixed media textiles. Borders and barriers are the vocabulary she uses to describe and celebrate the lives of migrant workers and indigenous people ... view more »


What do you do now? Has your art evolved or changed?

It was peer validation of my artistic path.

What is one piece of advice you would give to an emerging artist?

I?ve taught at San Jos? State University for over twenty years and my works have been exhibited across this country and beyond. Right now I?m creating as much artwork possible....each new work is always the "best" one yet! To view my recent work, go to:

Briefly, how would you describe the state of the arts locally, as well as national and beyond?


Art is experiencing self-doubt.